The ExB Thermoelectric Effect

The ExB drift can operate as an efficient thermoelectric effect. When two fields, electric and magnetic are perpendicular, particles drift in a third direction. With infinite mobility, this direction is perpendicular to both fields. In contrast to the Seebeck and Nersnt effects, particles move because of a field configuration, not because of drag by heat flow. The ExB effect requires no temperature gradient between a heat source and a heat sink. It is unlike other thermoelectric effects which are time-symmetric, rely on an unbiased velocity distribution, and, therefore, are bound by the limitations of the H-Theorem. The ExB effect is CPT-symmetric, its distribution is biased by the drift velocity, and, therefore, it is not bound by limitations of the theorem. It can operate on ambient heat.


Levy, G. S.; The ExB Thermoelectric Effect, ResearchGate

Levy, G., S.; The ExB Thermoelectric Effect (video)

Levy, G. S.; Loschmidt’s Paradox Extended to CPT Symmetry, Bypasses Second Law, Journal of Applied Mathermatics and Physics, Vol7 No.12, 20 Dec. 2019 DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2019.712221 also on Research Gate at DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2019.712221.

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